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Watch Legion Online

What happens when God gets tired of us lowly humans and decide to start over? Well nothing good, thats for sure. Here are three new images from Scott Stewarts upcoming horror-action movie Legion, starring Paul Bettany as an archangel who voluntarily falls to Earth to save the savior of mankind. Unfortunately said savior hasnt been born yet, and his mom is a diner waitress played by Adrianne Palicki. Luckily for our warrior angel, the diner also has some battling humans to lend a hand, including Dennis Quaid, Charles S. Dutton, Tyrese Gibson, and Lucas Black. Hell need them too, when theyre surrounded by angels.

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Scott Stewart's supernatural thriller Legion, scripted by Peter Schink, concerns a group of strangers in an out-of-the-way eatery who become the first line of defense when God, believing the human race is no longer worthy of Him, decides to end their existence. This motley crew's only spiritual ally is the archangel Michael, played by Paul Bettany. Dennis Quaid, Tyrese Gibson, Charles S. Dutton, and Lucas Black co-star in the Screen Gems production.

Watch Legion Online Free

Watch Legion Online| Watch Legion Online For Free Here

When God loses faith in Mankind, he sends his legion of angels to bring on the Apocalypse. Humanity's only hope lies in a group of strangers trapped in a desert diner and the Archangel Michael.

An out-of-the-way diner becomes the unlikely battleground for the survival of the human race. When God loses faith in humankind, he sends his legion of angels to bring on the Apocalypse. Humanity's only hope lies in a group of strangers trapped in a desert diner with the Archangel Michael (Bettany) The movie is available on our full movie streaming website for watching making it easy to watch legion online.

buad ngumpulin $$$.hehe...


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